Students of SR Global School(Part of Central Academy) had shown their love for their teachers by making beautiful cards.
Monday, September 7, 2020
Saturday, September 5, 2020
Keeping this thought in mind, SR Global School (Part of Central Academy) celebrated teachers’ day to pay homage to Dr. Sarvepillai Radha krishanan, who was not only a great leader but was also an author. As we all know that schools are running virtually and celebrations are done on different digital platforms.
So, we all celebrated this day with the online support of the student who sent recorded videos of performances and wonderful titles for their teachers which were really appreciable and unforgettable.
The honorary head of our organization narrated a motivational story and few games were conducted for teachers and the program was concluded with the guitar performance by Principal, Ma’am Aruna Suresh.
The whole
staff enjoyed lunch with social distancing and left the premises with broad smiles.